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83 Contractors To Be Paid Soon

A timeline has been set for paying verified independent contractors owed by the Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A timeline has been set for paying those independent contractors owed by the Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority, but only those who are verified. That’s according to the authority’s executive chairman, who says that date is August 5th.

After weeks of protesting, over $500,000 dollars will be paid out to a number of independent contractors.

That’s according to Executive Chairman of the Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority McKell Bonaby, who says the 83 verified contractors will be paid.

The beaches and parks chairman adding that there are 147 unverified individuals who have not been able to produce the necessary documentation.

As for those protestors with outstanding payments, Bonaby argues that they’re only legally obligated to pay those persons who have verified.

