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Able Woman Marine: We Are Just As Strong As The Men

SOUTHERN BAHAMAS – Able Woman Marine Martinique Thompson is the heart of the HMBS Bahamas. She is the medic onboard the HMBS Bahamas, a duty she carries out with pride.





SOUTHERN BAHAMAS – Able Woman Marine Martinique Thompson is the heart of the HMBS Bahamas. She is the medic onboard the HMBS Bahamas, a duty she carries out with pride.

And as the RBDF continues its mandate in the south to protect our borders, in times when they do come in contact with illegal migrants, it’s a one-woman job.

But the greatest challenge Martinique says is spending months at a time away from her 12-year-old daughter.

Being one of 3 women on board amidst a crew of 60, Thompson shares that they have no fear and can do the job just as well as the men.

