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Bahamas Insurance Association Holds Student Forum

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Those involved in the insurance industry, this week, taking time out to impact and mingle with the nations youth offering them life tips and a glimpse into their career field.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Those involved in the insurance industry, this week, taking time out to impact and mingle with the nations youth offering them life tips and a glimpse into their career field.

The Bahamas Insurance Association held a forum with private and public schools around the country. The aim, to introduce and open the possibilities of a career in the insurance industry to high school students. Deputy Chairman for The Bahamas Insurance Association Stanford Charlton, telling students in attendance that their presence at events like these give them edge.

Vice Chairman for life and health from The Bahamas Insurance Association Felicia Knowles says succession planning for the industry starts with the nations youth.

We spoke to some of those youth in attendance who say they forum has opened their eyes to possibilities in the industry.

