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Bail Denied For Man Charged With Murder Conspiracy Plot

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Court of Appeal has rejected a bail bid for a man awaiting trial for a murder conspiracy plot.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Court of Appeal has rejected a bail bid for a man awaiting trial for a murder conspiracy plot.

The Appellate Court ruled today that Stephon Davis will remain behind bars until he is tried for his alleged involvement in a plot to murder Jayson Whitfield, a senior clerk at the passport office.
Whitfield was shot to death inside his government-assigned car on December 3.

Police later charged Davis and his cousin, Corporal Darren Davis, with planning the murder. To date, no one has been charged with committing the murder.

Officer Davis was granted $30,000 bail on December 20, 2022. However, his cousin, who was on bail for two separate murders, was refused bail on the grounds that he was a threat to public safety.

