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BPL: Disconnectors Have the Right to Access

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Bahamas Power and Light executives are speaking out, after an alleged attack on an employee in the line of duty.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Bahamas Power and Light executives are speaking out, after an alleged attack on an employee in the line of duty.

BPL CEO Shevonn Cambridge says disconnectors have the right to access electricity meters.

The advisory comes after a photo was widely shared on social media, showing a BPL employee in a physical altercation with a man believed to be a Paradise Island resident.

Cambridge says if you are concerned about a BPL employee accessing your property, to contact the office.

In a voice note to union members, Bahamas Electrical Workers Union President Kyle Wilson cautions members to be careful and defend themselves if necessary.

Wilson says he doesn’t like what he saw, adding legislation should be put in place to protect workers.

