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BREEF Calls For Oil Drilling Ban

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – This past October, Prime Minister Philip Davis expressed his confidence that the government will meet its target of 30 percent renewable energy generation by 2030. The executive director of an environmental and educational foundation is weighing in.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – This past October, Prime Minister Philip Davis expressed his confidence that the government will meet its target of 30 percent renewable energy generation by 2030. The executive director of an environmental and educational foundation is weighing in.

The Bahamas is highly dependent on fossil fuels.

However, the nation’s leaders have committed to transitioning away from its use.

While Prime Minister Philip Davis has said that we are on track, Executive Director of The Bahamas Reef Environmental Educational Foundation, BREEF, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert says there’s still more work to do.

But, why is this move away from fossil fuels so essential? Well, McKinney-Lambert says The Bahamas is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world.

McKinney-Lambert is echoing the calls of the prime minister, that time is not a luxury when it comes to the fight against climate change.

