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BTVI Workers: We Are Tired Of Waiting

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A small group of protestors stood outside the BTVI with tapes across their mouths in silent protest to President Dr. Linda Davis.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A small group of protestors stood outside the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute with tapes across their mouths in silent protest to President Dr. Linda Davis.

Union of Tertiary Educators of the Bahamas Vice President Anastasia Brown says the union signed an industrial agreement with BTVI a year ago. However, the union is still pushing to have the agreement enforced.

They say they’re tired of waiting.

The union is also outraged over what they claim is BTVI’s challenging the agreement’s financial clause.

When it comes to the leadership of BTVI. 

Brown says they will return to the front of BTVI every day if necessary until they get their matters resolved.

We asked the UTEB vice president if the union reached out to BTVI’s president.

We reached out to BTVI officials, but they declined to comment on the issue.

Still, Brown says they’ve reached out to the minister of labour to intervene.

