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Champion Of The Dragons

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Bahamas Chinese Dragon Boat Association’s first Dragon Boat Festival drew 17 teams from The Bahamas and abroad who competed during the two-day event.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Bahamas Chinese Dragon Boat Association’s first Dragon Boat Festival drew 17 teams from The Bahamas and abroad who competed during the two-day event.

There were many Bahamian and Chinese cultural displays, but more importantly, the event brings awareness to the fight against breast cancer and the health effects that paddling has been found to bring to survivors and the public at large.

The event also symbolizes 25 years of diplomatic ties between China and The Bahamas.

Jamaal Rolle, Bahamas Ambassador-At-Large for Cultural Affairs, was among dignitaries present at the event.

It’s events like this that allows us to celebrate things that bring us together in celebration of culture and traditions in safety and comfort.

Jamahl D. Strachan, MP for Nassau Village who studied at the China Foreign Affairs University expresses gratitude for the advancements that have come about because of the Chinese-Bahamas ties.

Despite the formalities and entertainment, competition levels were high and it was all about paddles in the water.

The competition would end with a fierce fight to the wire between the top three finishers – Royal Bahamas Police Force King Tide, the Dragon Concherers and the Medics Dragon Boat Racers.

The Concherers would take this year’s title.

Dragon boat racing is here to stay and will continue to get people active and draw the Bahamian and Chinese community together.

