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Financial Secretary In Verbal Scuffle With Reporter: You Called Me A Liar

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – What was set out to be a regular weekly press briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister nearly quickly escalated into a conflict between the financial secretary and a reporter.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – What was set out to be a regular weekly press briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister nearly quickly escalated into a conflict between the financial secretary and a reporter. The reporter accused Wilson of lying, ending in Wilson telling him he will be waiting outside for him.

The Office of the Prime Minister’s weekly press briefing was rocked by chaos this morning after a Nassau Guardian reporter posed this question to Financial Secretary Simon Wilson.

Wilson and Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis were brought on to answer questions about the 2023/2024 budget communication Wednesday, but things quickly took a turn after that first question. Wilson was visibly taken aback.

Acting Press Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister Keishla Adderley sought to calm the situation and move on to other questions, but Wilson seemed only to get more upset. The financial secretary’s efforts to move past the moment were seemingly unsuccessful after he walked away from the podium, as the exchange didn’t end there. Wilson approached the reporter, prompting Halkitis to get in between.

The reporter was later escorted out a side door by Communications Director Latrae Rahming. Halkitis took to the podium and continued the briefing. In the end, Halkitis sought to defend Wilson’s character while Adderley condemned what she called a personal attack against a government official.

