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FNM Leader: What We Require Is A Sense of Urgency from Government

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – As they did on Monday at the Office of the Prime Minister, members of the Free National Movement took their crime fight to Rawson Square. 





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – As they did on Monday at the Office of the Prime Minister, members of the Free National Movement took their crime fight to Rawson Square during a peaceful protest. 

Free National Movement Leader Michal Pintard says the time is now for everyone to come together to address crime.

He made the comments as he led a small group of FNM supporters during a protest outside a session of the House of Assembly got underway Wednesday morning.

And for those who say the FNM didn’t fairly address crime during their last administration. FNM Chairman Dr. Duane Sands responded this way.

Now Pintard says the FNM will continue to sound the alarm on these heinous crimes, beginning with a meeting in the Yellow Elder community this evening and other meetings planned for the rest of the week.

