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Former Chief Justice: Digital Court Recording Will Be Transformational

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – In just a few days The Bahamas’ judiciary will reach another technological milestone with the official launch of the digital court recording system. Former chief justice Sir Brian Moree was a part of the push during his tenure. 





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – In just a few days, The Bahamas’ judiciary will reach another technological milestone with the official launch of the digital court recording system. Former Chief Justice Sir Brian Moree was a part of the push during his tenure. 

Former Chief Justice Sir Brian Moree describing how he feels about the upcoming official launch of the digital court recording system this week.

The DCR has been a work in progress from as far back at 2015 and has been introduced in courts across the country in phases in recent years.

Sir Brian, who served as Chief Justice between 2019 and 2022, oversaw a part of the process.

The DCR has audio technology and advanced microphones in a courtroom which is capable of speaker identification for judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and witnesses.

The recording can be later transcribed to create an official record using speech-to-text software that allows the audio recorded to be converted to text within minutes of upload after a court hearing.

The official launch event is slated for Friday.

