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“I Don’t Want To Die”

GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – A mother awaits the delayed results of the medical tests that will determine whether or not she is suffering from stage 4 cervical cancer.





GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Now at her wit’s end, a mother is awaiting the delayed results of the medical tests that will determine whether or not she is suffering from stage 4 cervical cancer, a delay she’s laying at the feet of the public health system.

Those results, Sharell Lockhart says, won’t be released until the 25th of this month.

She was recently diagnosed with cervical dysplasia 1 & 2, a condition where abnormal cells grow on the surface of the cervix. 

She fears the worst as she has already lost a family member to the same condition.

Lockhart blames disorganization and a lack of paperwork as the reason for her delay, something Public Hospitals Authority Managing Director Aubynette Rolle says is being worked on.

