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Immigration Minister Promises Crackdown in Abaco

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The shantytown issue in Abaco worsening since hurricane Dorian, with one shantytown tripling in size since 2019, according to immigration.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The shantytown issue in Abaco worsening since hurricane Dorian, with one shantytown tripling in size since 2019, according to immigration.

The immigration minister promising a crackdown on Abaco after a recent operation revealing the farm shanty town grew by an estimated 200 acres since hurricane Dorian. 

Immigration Minister Keith Bell says they plan on doing something about.

Abaconians can expect an increase in immigration officers’ presence on the island.

Operation expedition comes after South and Central Abaco Member of Parliament John Pinder expressed concern over the shantytown issue on that island.

Since hurricane Dorian destroyed the Mudd and Pigeon Pea shantytown, officials say they’re seeing the emergence of shantytowns in other areas of Marsh Harbour like off S.C. Bootle High.

The operation moved into Abaco on Friday and 52 people who were detained and airlifted to New Providence.

Of that figure, 24 were sent to the Detention Center, 13 were undocumented and nine held valid work permits but for employers in New Providence.

