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Immunization Campaign Heads Into NP Communities

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A group of government entities hitting the streets to tackle the issue of immunization and low vaccination rates among residents. 





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A group of government entities hitting the streets to tackle the issue of immunization and low vaccination rates among residents. 

Officials from the Ministry of Health and Wellness continuing its immunization week walkabout in the inner cities of New Providence. 

Coconut Grove was the location for Wednesday’s walkabout as members and supporters went into homes to check the immunization status of residents especially children. 

National Immunization Coordinator Gina Rose says they found situations where records have not been kept up to date.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, came vaccinations, and with those vaccinations came the misinformation. 

Rose says it’s important for the public to trust the experts.

The effort, a collaboration between Urban Renewal,  Ministry of Education, and Neighborhood Policing. 

Rose says the walkabout also serves as an opportunity to assist residents in areas other than health.

