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“It Was a Normal Day”

FLORIDA, USA – A Bahamian in Florida says he’s “unfazed” by the drama surrounding former President Donald Trump facing 37 criminal charges.





FLORIDA, USA – A Bahamian in Florida says he is “unfazed” by the drama surrounding former President Donald Trump appearing in a Miami court to face 37 criminal charges.

Tony Grant Jr. is a Bahamian who lives in South Florida. While he says he was well aware of the drama surrounding Trump’s historic court appearance.

Despite the demonstrations in support of Trump, it had little impact on his daily operation’s.

Just yesterday, Trump pleaded not guilty to 37 charges of alleged mishandling of classified documents.

This as court security was airtight while hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside the courthouse, most of them in support of Trump.

U.S. media calling it “controlled chaos” and while he was not impacted by the demonstration, grant did give his take on the matter.

Grant says he doesn’t expect that support for Trump will change.

