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Memorable Moments from CARICOM

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The regional body known as CARICOM turns 50 this year. Over those five decades, many memories were made along the way.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The regional body known as CARICOM turns 50 this year. Over those five decades, many memories were made along the way.

As journalists, we often wonder what it’s like behind closed doors when regional and world leaders meet, away from camera lenses and curious reporters.

Once the agenda items are completed, and all the work is done, what happens next? Are friendships forged? Surely, memories are made?

Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell and former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Brent Symonette have both travelled representing the country at meetings and conferences.

We asked them to reflect on CARICOM meetings and their memorable moments.

