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More Discussion Needed On Corporal Punishment In Schools

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The ways in which our children are reprimanded in school now being discussed in light of an incident on a Family Island. 





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The ways in which our children are reprimanded in school now being discussed in light of an incident on a Family Island. 

The Biblical proverb “spare the rod spoil the child” has been a staple in  the Bahamian community for years,  and with local schools facing the challenge of misbehaved students daily, Education Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin says the time has come to discuss and revise how corporal punishment is carried out in our schools.

While some schools may have their own rules and procedures, Hanna-Martin says there are documented protocols on how students should be reprimanded.

The education minister says there is no easy fix to the matter as every situation is different.

In March a police officer was accused of allegedly beating students at the Bimini Primary School.

