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Our Story: 20 Years of News

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Twenty years ago, Newsbreak made its debut on Cable Bahamas channel 12.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Twenty years ago, Newsbreak made its debut on Cable Bahamas channel 12.

It was a new concept. For the first time, a private news entity brought stories of the people, to the people, on the community channel. But the story of how it came together is not so well known, according to Charles Johnson, former Technical Director and Producer.

Newsman Jerome Sawyer was the face of the new five-minute update in 2003, giving viewers a glimpse of broadcast news through an independent lens.

It started in a tiny room in the offices of Island FM on Dowdswell Street, with a small team of dedicated reporters, some who were stepping in front of the camera for the very first time.

The Cable 12 Island FM Newsbreak served as the starting blocks for many careers, and even some familiar faces that still appear on tv today.

But with the growing demand for news in the country, a change was made, and the product transitioned from Newsbreak to NB-12, with The Nassau Guardian, and then broadcast editor, Juan McCartney.

That drive and hunger to tell the stories of the community caused even more growth, evolving into Our News.

Over the years we have celebrated the nation’s highs, mourned the losses, telling the stories that have shaped The Bahamas.

Tune in throughout the month of March to learn more about the story of Our News, 20 years of news in the making as we celebrate this major milestone.

