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Pintard: Yet Another Set Of Disappointing And Inadequate Policy Plans

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Leader Michael Pintard says he anticipated the prime minister would address some issues that are priorities and concerning for Bahamians.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Leader Michael Pintard says he anticipated the prime minister would address some issues that are priorities and concerning for Bahamians. He even described this morning’s communication as “tremendously disappointing.” One of the top concerns presented by Pintard is the ever-growing cost of living, while the government continues to boast that revenue is ahead of projections. In fact, Pintard says it is simply not true.

Another opposition complaint is the high cost of electricity, on top of intermittent service during the summer. Pintard claims the prime minister offered no real clarity on BPL’s future.

He believes that Davis skirted around crime. While admitting the government did not create the problem, it is their responsibility to address it. He says no transformational action plan was presented.

