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Public Sounds Off On Casino Gambling

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – On the heels of the Bahamas Gaming Board pushing back at what they consider to be discriminatory rules, Our News took to the streets to find out how residents feel on the issue. 







NASSAU, BAHAMAS – On the heels of the Bahamas Gaming Board pushing back at what they consider to be discriminatory rules, Our News took to the streets to find out how residents feel on the issue. 

On Wednesday Gaming Board Executive Chairman, Dr. Daniel Johnson said they were looking to make amendments to the Gaming Act that would allow Bahamians to gamble in casinos and tourists to play in Bahamian number houses, calling the existing restrictions discriminatory.

We asked the public their thoughts on the matter.

Ricardo Saunders works in security, and when asked about his feelings on the current laws.

Another resident says the current restrictions don’t make sense, considering Bahamians are allowed to gamble in some capacity already.

Then there was another resident who, is against gambling in general, but feels the playing field should be the same for everyone, or not exist at all.

Clayton Dean Jr.  Is an electrician. He says the root of the matter is simple.

