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RBDF Officers Participating In Royal Procession

LONDON, ENGLAND – The world will turn its attention to London on Saturday for the King’s Coronation. 





LONDON, ENGLAND – The world will turn its attention to London on Saturday for the King’s Coronation. 

It will all take place in grand style with a procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. 

Taking part in the Royal Procession will be the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. 

The world will be celebrating the ascension of King Charles III on May 6th.

On the ground in London, the new king will be surrounded by a procession of military officers from various territories and Commonwealth countries among them, The Bahamas. 

For the past week, 14 Royal Bahamas Defence Force officers have been on the ground in strict training along with their regional counterparts.

Parade Commander, Lt. Commander Edward Fritz explains how this occasion is super special for The Bahamas.

Head of delegation, Commander Natasha Miller says while it has been somewhat of a culture shock, she is proud that the Bahamian marines have been standing tall and overcoming all obstacles. 

Ablewoman Marine Alexis Johnson breaks down the team’s experience and what they’re looking forward to as they take part in such an historic procession.

