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Residents Split On Budget Presentation

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The cabinet has made the iconic walk to Rawson Square, the red briefcase has been opened, and the prime minister has delivered the budget presentation for the upcoming fiscal year. But what do residents think?





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The cabinet has made the iconic walk to Rawson Square, the red briefcase has been opened, and the prime minister has delivered the budget presentation for the upcoming fiscal year. But what do residents think?

The prime minister presented extensive information, highlighting increased revenue and debt reduction while also foreshadowing major capital works and more duty concessions. A key focus is the allocation of $70 million—$33 million for the current fiscal year and $37 million for the upcoming year. But should there be cause for concern?

This year’s duty-free list includes items like drones, which social media users found amusing. The new budget also sets aside $344 million for capital development and $125 million in a guaranteed loan for improvements to the Exuma and North Eleuthera airports. Residents are supportive of these developments.

