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Roll-out For Bahamas Invest In The Coming Weeks

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Davis administration plans to transform Bahamas Invest Authority into a more proactive investment promotion agency.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Davis administration plans to transform Bahamas Invest Authority into a more proactive investment promotion agency and according to Deputy Prime Minister and minister responsible Chester Cooper the new agency will see a restructuring.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Investments Chester Cooper says a rollout plan for Bahamas Invest – the government’s main investment agency, will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Cooper made the revelation earlier this week.

Cooper says government will launch what it believes will make every Bahamian and foreign direct investor proud.

The Davis administration plans to transform The Bahamas Investment Authority into a more proactive investment promotion agency known as Bahamas Invest.

Mckinsey & Co. has been brought on as consultants in this regard.

Cooper pledges to eliminate red tape with investor applications and approval.

The investments minister says Bahamas investment will see a restructuring

