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Holy Week: A Time To Reflect And Celebrate

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – It’s the most defining time for the christian community – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – It’s the most defining time for the christian community – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Holy week which to some is known as the Easter season is the time set aside to remember and celebrate the resurrection.

Bahamas Christian Council President Bishop Delton Fernander explains the week begins with maundy Thursday which saw the washing of the feet. This is followed by Good Friday where Jesus paid the ultimate price.

It’s the day he was crucified and died for the sins of those who believe.

The following Sunday on the Christian calendar is known as Resurrection Sunday.

Fernander says its a day of celebration.

The christian council president says he hopes the nation would pause and attend the church of their choice this weekend.

He believes the challenge is more people are concerned about the holiday instead of the significance of the season, but he’s hoping the country returns to the time when this period was seen as a sacred time.

