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Sex Therapist Gets Down To Business

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Sex therapist is a job title that comes with raised eyebrows, questions and assumptions.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Sex therapist: a job title that comes with raised eyebrows, questions and assumptions. For Maggie Bain, it’s her opportunity to help others work on their relationships with themselves and others. 

Bain is a relationship and intimacy specialist, and is not afraid to ask the tough questions, as she put Dr. Phil on the spot and at ease about his personal life. 

She ventures behind closed doors, but in a different sense. Bain says there are so many misconceptions about what a sex therapist does.

Although she sees couples and individuals from her office at Family Medicine Center, she is not a miracle worker, she adds.

Bain qualified for sex therapy in 2009, after quite a long career in healthcare.

Taking a look at her life, and what she wanted for herself,  helped her to make the leap to sex therapist; part of taking that step was listening to herself, and choosing not to settle.

