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Social Services Employees Remember Minister

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Emotions ran high at the Department of Social Services as employees gathered to remember Obie Wilchcombe.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Emotions ran high at the Department of Social Services as employees gathered to remember Obie Wilchcombe.

Consultant in the Department of Social Services Debbie Bartlett says Wilchombe was always passionate about his staff.

Bartlett served with him in another capacity: in the ZNS newsroom.

She recalls their journalism journey and the many opportunities he gave her.

Miranda Innis also works at the Department of Social Services but says Wilchcombe gave her her first job at ZNS.

Innis says she’s reflecting on everything he wanted for Bahamians.

While someone else will eventually be appointed ministerial responsibility for the Department of Social Services, Innis says the question is how will his mission live on.

