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South Andros Residents: These Are Not Political Potholes

ANDROS, BAHAMAS – Residents demonstrated in South Andros Thursday morning, looking to get the attention of the government. 





ANDROS, BAHAMAS – Residents demonstrated in South Andros Thursday morning, looking to get the attention of the government. 

They say they are tired of being overlooked while other Family Islands seem to be progressing.

Residents in South Andros say years of frustration have built up and boiled over leading to a peaceful demonstration over poor road conditions in their communities.

Businessman and resident of Pleasant Bay, South Andros, Julian Gibson says residents are fed up with hearing about developments on other Family Islands, saying it seems as though Andros is constantly left out.

Gibson says the demonstration, planned days in advance, drew a cross-section of frustrated residents however, it also drew the attention of officials. 

He says on Tuesday, some roads were patched, which he describes as adding insult to injury.

He says they are also dealing with a number of infrastructural issues as well.

Overall Gibson says South Andros residents want the same attention being given to other islands.

