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Special Needs School Looking to Expand

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Expanding the school for the physically disabled would cost at least $500,000, if the land is granted.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – For years, The Bahamas Association for the Physically Disabled has run a school for special needs, providing daycare, meals, education, and physical therapy, free of charge to parents of special needs children.

But not everyone has access to that opportunity.

Association president Charlotte Albury says there are some limitations.

The BAPD school for children with special needs is assisted with staffing by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Services.

Currently, the school has 22 students, but Albury says they know there are others they could be helping.

Albury estimates the BAPD would need at least $500,000 to build the extension if the land is granted.

In the meantime, administrator Linda Smith, wants you to know what you can do to help.

For now, they say donations are the most pressing need for the school, saying no donation is too big or too small.

And that’s not the only way you can make a difference, you can also volunteer your time with the children.

November is National Volunteer’s Month, and if you’re interested in donating either money or time to the BAPD, you can visit their website at or call 328-1020 to find out how you can donate.

