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Surviving A Storm: Keep A Good Supply Of Medication

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – In preparation for hurricane season, we always remember to stockpile food and water, but what about medication?





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – In preparation for hurricane season, we always remember to stockpile food and water, but what about medication? Tonight, a local healthcare provider has some tips on how to ensure you are safe this hurricane season.

While you’re stocking up your hurricane preparation kit, a local physician is reminding Bahamians to stock up on essential medication. Dr. Kandis Bannister, medical director, City MD & Wellness Clinic, says the first thing you need is a first aid kit.

She says you should also ensure your vaccinations are up to date, specifically tetanus. In the event of a hurricane, Dr. Bannister suggests you keep at least a month’s supply of medication on hand.

Dr. Kandis Bannister adds, “Diabetics should keep their medications in a safe place.”

She’s also suggesting you see your physician before the hurricane arrives. Multiple gastrointestinal illnesses can spread post-hurricane. These illnesses are mostly water-borne, but there are ways to prevent them.

Dr. Kandis Bannister says, “If you can, stay out of the water that has come into the home.”

Dr. Kandis Bannister says, “In preparation, consider wearing repellent.”

