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Sustainability First: The Countdown – 93 Days Until The 2024 Hurricane Season

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – With just 93 days until June 1st, the countdown is on to get prepared for the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – With just 93 days until June 1st, the countdown is on to get prepared for the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season.

Although the season officially starts on June 1st, experts are concerned about mid-February’s water temperatures in the Atlantic main development region. 

That’s the stretch of water between the Caribbean and Africa. It’s above average resembling temperatures you would usually see in June or July.

Experts are also saying it seems likely a La Niña will be declared by the peak of hurricane season, which in conjunction with other factors may lead to more tropical storms and hurricanes in 2024.

And as Bahamians are acutely aware after Hurricane Dorian, storms are vastly more unpredictable.

The odds of a storm undergoing rapid intensification, that’s increasing by approximately 35 miles per hour in 24 hours is five times higher than it was in 1980 according to Climate Expert Kait Parker.

So with that in mind, what can we do to prepare for this year?

Now is the time to get the ball rolling on things that can’t wait until the last minute.

Get an insurance check-up. Check-in with your agent on the insurance policy details of your home and vehicles. 

Remember, flood insurance is often a separate policy. Just because your property is insured, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s covered for flood damage.

