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The Road To Active Citizenship

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – What does it take to get seen and heard from lawmakers? Is it a protest? Or a rant on social media? The Organization for Responsible Governance says it may be a series of even smaller steps that may lead to big change.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – What does it take to get seen and heard from lawmakers? Is it a protest? Or a rant on social media? The Organization for Responsible Governance says it may be a series of even smaller steps that may lead to big change.

We’ve all seen them before – a rant on a social media page, complaints about what the government is or is not doing. But is that the best way to take action?

Engagement Program Manager for the Organization for Responsible Governance, Tayte Adderley says that first step can lead to awareness and action.

But there are other ways to make a difference on a smaller scale.

Org Executive Director Matt Aubry notes it may be difficult at times to see the big picture – especially if protests are organized and carried out with little or no action from government – but he says the pieces all play a role in the overall scheme of things.

Free tools on Orgtransparency.Com are designed to do just that – outline the small steps to action.

Aubry says there is no better time to carry on the Bahamian tradition of standing up for your rights and what’s important, than on the road to the country’s 50th anniversary.

