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Unseen Grief: A Mother’s Agony Eight Months After Tragic Loss on Soldier Road

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Eight months after her fourth child was gunned down on Soldier Road, Laurette Lockhart says the pain isn’t getting any easier.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Eight months after her fourth child was gunned down on Soldier Road, Laurette Lockhart says the pain isn’t getting any easier.

Lazarro Ferguson died at the Princess Margaret Hospital on May 28th, 2023.

She remembers the last time she saw her child before his life was tragically cut short.

Adding to the pain is the fact that police have yet to charge someone with Ferguson’s death.

Lockhart joined other relatives of murder victims at the New Covenant Baptist Church to commemorate Family Of All Murder Victims Day.

She stressed the importance of having this support system.

