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Upgrading Your Hurricane Kit With A New Generator

GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Sales Consultant at Machinery and Energy Micah Ford says a generator can be beneficial to your hurricane kit but you must know which size is needed before purchasing.





GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Hurricanes can cause power outages that last for days or even weeks in some instances.

Here at home we have experienced some catastrophic hurricanes like the twin storms in 2004 Frances and Jeanne, Matthew and most recently Hurricane Dorian.

Without electricity, it can be difficult to function. Sales Consultant at Machinery and Energy Micah Ford tells us a generator can be beneficial but you must know which size is needed before purchasing.

As for which type of generator you should purchase?

The expert admits that portable generators are more affordable but there are risks.

Sales consultant Trevor Russell says the portable generators should always be placed in a safe location and as for stand-alone generations they should be serviced once a year.

