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We’re Competing But We’re Also Rooting For Each Other

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – After a 4-month hiatus, fishermen are hitting the waters this morning as today marks the official opening of crawfish season.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – After a 4-month hiatus, fishermen are hitting the waters this morning as today marks the official opening of crawfish season.

We ran into fisherman Al Ferguson who says while he is happy, this year will be business as usual.

Another fisherman Gerald Bain shares that while fishermen compete, they’re still rooting for each other.

Fishermen from other islands including Spanish Wells, a popular fishing community in the country, will also take full advantage of the season.

But for those selling the crawfish in New Providence, fisherman Gregory Brown shared that a profit can only be made if residents support.

He also shared the importance of the season as it falls during hurricane season.

