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What Are Your New Year Resolutions?

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – We’ve all heard, “New year, new me” and many are making wishes and resolutions for 2024. Our Marlena Leonard took to the streets to find out what people are planning for 2024.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – We’ve all heard, “New year, new me” and many are making wishes and resolutions for 2024. Our Marlena Leonard took to the streets to find out what people are planning for 2024.

Security Officer Jonathon Johnson isn’t the only one taking gratitude into the new year.

Retiree Lenny Ross says she’s changed the way she looks at new year goal setting, saying she doesn’t do resolutions anymore.

Paralegal, Calise Barry also has resolutions for the new year.

And even the youngest of us have goals for 2024, like Cassidy Barry.

