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“You Do Not Have the Ability to Muzzle Me”

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A shouting match occurred in Parliament over the immigration minister’s handling of work permits for foreign labourers.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A heated shouting match spilling onto the floor of Parliament as the opposition leader sought to address Immigration Minister Keith Bell’s handling of work permits for foreign labourers at the British Colonial Hotel. Government members raised the issue of relevance as members were debating the Governor General’s bill while the opposition leader, on the other hand, said he will not be muzzled.

What started out as a debate on the Governor-General’s Volunteer Society Bill ended in a shouting match after opposition leader Michael Pintard sought to address the issue of Chinese workers being released to return to work at the British Colonial Hotel.  

On Tuesday, Immigration Minister Keith Bell said there were some irregularities, but when Pintard sought to bring it up this happened.  

House Speaker Patricia Deveaux asked Pintard to stick to the bill, but Pintard didn’t back down.  

This prompting another back and forth as the house speaker sought to control the house, standing at her feet multiple times. 

Deveaux even threatened to call the sergeant-at-arms to remove members from the house’s chambers. 

Following the proceedings, Pintard told reporters this is another instance of the government seeking to silence the official opposition. 

