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$1.64M Added To Travel Budget

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – $1.64 million has been reallocated in in the Office of the Prime Minister to cover travel cost.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – $1.64 million has been reallocated in in the Office of the Prime Minister to cover travel cost.

Originally, $569,721 was approved for subsistence in OPM, the addition puts the travel budget now to $2.2 million.

On Thursday Financial Secretary Simon Wilson provided this explanation.

The budget included multiple reallocations over the past few months.

It revealed that in September 2023, there were two transfers of $100,000.

In July 2023, $248,000 was allocated for travel to Brussels, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and COP28 in Dubai.

$100,000 was allocated for travel to Belgium, Brussels and COP28 and another $100,000 with the same date and travel details.

In October 2023, $150,000 was allocated for a trip to Orlando, Chicago and Miami and another $169,000 with the same date and travel details.

Then there’s $132,000 for travel to St. Georges, Grenada.

In September 2023, there were two transfers of $100,000 for travel to Orlando to attend ONYX Magazine’s Men honoring Florida’s most impactful and influential men, and 50th-anniversary celebrations with the Bahamian consulate and diaspora.

The communications director in the Office of the Prime Minister doubled down explaining the prime minister is needed for every trip he attends.

