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Controversy Over Captured Loggerhead Turtle

Some disturbing news out of West Grand Bahama now after the capture of what is believed to be a loggerhead turtle.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Some disturbing news out of West Grand Bahama now after the capture of what is believed to be a loggerhead turtle. West End Ecology Tour Owner, Keith Cooper, tells Our News a group of tourists reported a turtle had been captured and tied up behind a local establishment in that community.

Here’s what Our News can report.

Cooper speculates that since that incident, the turtle may have been slaughtered for consumption.

Now while it is illegal, the consumption of turtle meat does quietly occur and there are fishermen who say they simply catch and sell the turtles as a means of income.

Cooper, along with owner of Paradise Cove, Barry Smith, say there are other options.

According to Bahamian law, it is illegal to capture, harvest, possess buy or sell all bahamian sea turtles.

Cooper is calling for more education and adherence as it relates to the law.

