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Women’s Rights: 50 Years After Independence

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – We’ve come a far way when you think about women’s rights but of course as with most things, we’re still growing and we’ve got a way to go.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – We’ve come a far way when you think about women’s rights but of course as with most things, we’re still growing and we’ve got a way to go.

When you consider things like gender-based violence and marital rape – these issues still dominate the news cycle.

Allyson Maynard-Gibson was born into politics; she was only the second woman to become attorney general. 

Throughout her decorated career in politics she held key cabinet positions – serving as minister of legal affairs and as leader of government business in the Senate.

But at her core, Maynard-Gibson has been an advocate and champion for women’s rights in the country with an unwavering passion.

But for her, the work is not done.

And paramount to that she says is ensuring we get more women in parliament, more specifically in Cabinet.

Here’s how she described a beautiful Bahamas – 50 years and beyond.

