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Regional Leaders To Explore New Crime Fighting Solutions

GRENADA – Crime and violence, a top CARICOM agenda item, this week for regional
leaders at their annual meeting in Grenada.





GRENADA – Crime and violence, a top CARICOM agenda item, this week for regional
leaders at their annual meeting in Grenada.

CARICOM Chairman Dickon Mitchell confirmed they looked at multiple suggestions.

Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica and The Bahamas had the highest crime numbers in 2023.

And with 80 homicides already for the year, The Bahamas will likely crack the top three again.

Chairman Mitchell says one approach is examining existing legislation in member countries.

The conversation this week also included bail.

Back in October, St. Vincent and The Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves openly criticized Bahamian judges for granting bail to murder suspects, asking if they live on Mars.

During our interview Grenada’s Prime Minister, shared that regional statistics show most people convicted of serious crimes have existing criminal records.

