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Arts and Culture Commission on a Mission

The newly established Art and Culture Commission is on a mission to stimulate the public’s interest in the creative and performing arts.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The newly established Art and Culture Commission is on a mission to stimulate the public’s interest in the creative and performing arts.

The Bahamas is on the brink of losing its cultural identity, according to Carolyn Vogt-Evans./

Vogt-Evans chairs The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture’s newly established Art and Culture.Commission.

A number of ambitious targets and goals were outlined in the commission’s first meeting, including more Bahamian productions, the export of Bahamian-made products, and real opportunities for Bahamian artisans.

Vogt-Evans is pushing for better facilities for the arts and culture industry in The Bahamas, acknowledging it cannot be done without public-private collaborations.
