NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The vexing issue of potholes remains a point of contention for many motorists, making it a top priority for the Ministry of Works.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - In the wake of the tragic accident, Central and South Abaco Member of Parliament John Pinder says there's a need for better navigational...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The Bahamas is gearing up to host the largest agriculture event in the region. Agriculture Minister Jomo Campbell telling us over 300 people...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Government is still talking with stakeholders on a livable wage, according to Labour Minister Pia Glover-Rolle who says it has to make sense.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - On the heels of a hot summer, Bahamas Power and Light officials are already planning for summer 2024 to prevent constant outages, according...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The Ministry of Works getting seven new pumps to assist with draining areas going into areas most impacted by flooding to drain the...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - With speculation mounting over who the PLP will select to run in West Grand Bahama and Bimini, Our News obtained these letters from...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Gas prices are too high, according to Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis. He says the government is looking at ways to fix the...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - As local fishermen continue to battle the longstanding issue of poaching, Marine Resources Minister Jomo Campbell says talks are underway to enhance prevention.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - It's a new legislative course for the Davis administration that's seen familiar pieces of legislation and some new ones.