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Conservation Cove Opens To GB Community

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – In this edition of Sustainability First, our Marlena Leonard takes a look at the importance of bringing conservation to the community.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – As the world fights to save and restore coral reefs, some of the most cutting-edge science is happening on our very own shores. In this edition of Sustainability First, our Marlena Leonard takes a look at the importance of bringing conservation to the community.

Blue Action Lab calls Conservation Cove “a living laboratory”, and they recently held an open community day for Grand Bahama residents.

The first-of-its-kind land-based restoration work being done at Coral Vita is vital for our survival. Coral restoration specialist, Alannah Vellacott, tells us 80 percent of reefs are dead or dying in The Bahamas and the Caribbean.

Beyond the Free Community Day, the Cove has tours at 10 a.m. on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

The Blue Action Lab’s projects include Coral Vita, Mangrove Mania, and the Queen Conch Project. President and founder, Rupert Hayward says community involvement is key.

