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Cooper: Infrastructural Upgrades “A Win for Exuma”

EXUMA – Some great news for the island of Exuma.





EXUMA – Some great news for the island of Exuma. The Our News team on the island Friday (May 24), as a number of infrastructural upgrades are underway. From new roads to clean potable water. Member of Parliament for the island and Deputy Prime Minister, Chester Cooper, calling the projects a win for the island.

A part of the Water and Sewerage Corporation’s $9M water improvement project. The upgrade provides Exuma residents with clean potable water, as many of the areas are affected by brackish water.

Something that is now a thing of past, according to area manager at WSC, Karen Rolle.

Two Bahamian-owned companies were contracted to complete the project. Rowdy Boys Construction and Baker Wick.

Residents say they are grateful for the progress made thus far.

