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FNM Leader: They Have Cheapened This Sacred Constitutional Process

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – “Bell gotta go!” was the chant from members of the FNM calling for the removal of Immigration Minister Keith Bell from office.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – “Bell gotta go!” was the chant from members of the Free National Movement calling for the removal of Immigration Minister Keith Bell from office.

The group marched up to the immigration office on Hawkins Hill demanding he be fired following a viral audio clip of the immigration minister granting citizenship to three people during a funeral service.

Bell has since said he was granting the wish of a dying man who wanted his family to get Bahamian citizenship, a request cabinet eventually granted.

Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard says the party is denouncing Bell’s behavior calling his actions a “drive-thru show”.

Pintard says the opposition only supports the granting of citizenship to people who meet the requirements in accordance with immigration laws and regulations.

He also speculates that this is not the first time Bell has done this.

This morning Deputy Press Secretary Keishla Adderley defended Bell saying the minister broke no law. Responding to Adderley, Pintard says they will continue to stress the issue until government answers their questions.

