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Former Ministers Endorse FNM Leader’s Re-Election Campaign

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Hopeful for re-election as Free National Movement party leader, Michael Pintard gave an impassioned speech that touched on issues like immigration.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Hopeful for re-election as Free National Movement party leader, Michael Pintard gave an impassioned speech that touched on issues like immigration, foreign investment, and procurement transparency at his endorsement night at the British Colonial last night.

There were some well-known faces in his crowd of supporters, including former Minister of National Security Marvin Dames, who says he thought carefully before making his decision on whom to endorse.

Former Tourism and Aviation Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar says it is time for a younger person to lead the country.

When asked his thoughts about Pintard’s chances of re-election as party leader on June 1, former Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest had this to say:

“I think the show of support going into 2026…”

