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Former Tall Pines MP Laid To Rest

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The untimely passing of former Tall Pines Member of Parliament Don Saunders drawing politicians from both sides of the political divide to St. Agnes Anglican Church to say their final goodbye.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The untimely passing of former Tall Pines Member of Parliament Don Saunders drawing politicians from both sides of the political divide to St. Agnes Anglican Church to say their final goodbye.

In an emotional homily, Rector of the St. Agnes Anglican Church Fr. Keith Cartwright had the difficult task of memorializing not just another parishioner, but someone he called son.

Cartwright said the pain of the horrific murder has left a sense of separation, emptiness, numbness and uncertainty. 

Saunders was tragically gunned down in Gambier Village on March 27th.

Prime Minister Philip Davis says he and Saunders shared a bond that went beyond parliament

Free National Movement Leader Michael Pintard adds Saunders lived and impactful life.

