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GB Residents Sound Off on COVID Spike

GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – COVID-19 numbers are on the rise once again. The Ministry of Health confirmed some 36 cases were reported in the last six weeks. 





GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – COVID-19 numbers are on the rise once again. The Ministry of Health confirmed some 36 cases were reported in the last six weeks. 

Eleven of those cases are from Grand Bahama and one Grand Bahamian died from the virus. Our news team spoke with residents on the island about rising concerns.

That’s Grand Bahamian Pastor Eddie Victor sharing his views on the recent COVID-19 spike across the country.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Health and Wellness on Sunday.

Some 26 cases of COVID-19 were recorded in December alone. Grand Bahama recording 11 cases and a death in two weeks.

The news sending shockwaves throughout the community. Pastor victor, now asking the question, what happens next?

This Grand Bahama resident calling the situation a sad one.

David Cook agrees that a lockdown isn’t the answer.

Lauren Miller and Rev. Joseph Robinson calling on residents to take control of their own health.

Now the majority of interviewees had mixed views on whether the COVID-19 vaccine is effective or not.

Resident Earl “Steele” Neely believes natural remedies is the way to go

