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High Hopes And Hurdles As Class Back In Session

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Class is back in session for students nationwide, with parents, students, and faculty excited as schools opt for face-to-face learning.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Class is back in session for students nationwide, with parents, students, and faculty excited as schools opt for face-to-face learning.

This week, for the first time in two years, Bahamian students will be returning to full-time school face-to-face, at full occupancy.

Parents and students alike are looking forward to the move. One student, A’den Curtis says he is excited to see his friends. His mother, Brigette Curtis is especially excited for A’den to return to school, taking pride in her role as a parent in his education.

But, not all parents are taking such a hands on approach.

Just down the road at Thelma Gibson primary school, the principal, Olivia Daxon says they already have 615 students enrolled, but hope to have an additional 200 more children enrolled soon.

Their schoolboard has plans to begin a program that goes door to door in the community encouraging parents to re-enroll their children in school.

School Board Chairperson Quincy Strachan says, “We’re going to go into the communities and bring them. We’re going to have functions to bring them in.”

The most common sentiment of the day, echoed by parents and politicians, also summed up by Strachan.

“The children are very excited and the teachers are very excited.”

