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Holiday Decor Hazards and Energy Tips

GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Across the country, families are transforming their homes into winter wonderlands with dazzling Christmas decorations for the festive season. 





GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Across the country, families are transforming their homes into winter wonderlands with dazzling Christmas decorations for the festive season. 

However, amidst the festive splendor, there can be unseen hazards and added expenses.

Over on Grand Bahama, the communications director for the power company is sharing how you can safely enjoy the holidays while keeping the twinkle in your decorations.

And as many eagerly embrace the festive glimmer of extra lights, from sparkling Christmas trees to lavish decorations and exterior lighting, this added twinkle can translate to extra expenses on electricity bills.

Director of Communications at Grand Bahama Power Company Cleopatra Russell shares insightful tips on how to keep the holiday sparkle without breaking the bank.

As for safety she says it’s important to inspect your light bulbs and Christmas decorations.

Beyond the glow of holiday lights, another thing you may want to consider is traffic accidents, which Russell says is also a concern for the power company over the holidays, as unfortunate collisions can lead to impacts on utility poles and wires.

